Quality checking our clients. Quality auditing and helping with quality control.
Quality assurance.
Genuine review marketing on:
Search engine review sections such as Google reviews.
A whole lot of other review websites.
SEOed article writing and blogging for review websites.
Responding to good and bad reviews.
Review marketing for Perth businesses on specialist review sites like Tripadvisor for Perth’s hospitality industry or tech reviews for technology gadgets or mining reviews for mining company marking for mining businesses based in Perth Western Australia.
Tips on how to respond to bad Facebook reviews and bad Google reviews in Perth. Every bad review case is different so it might be best to discuss bad online reviews for Perth businesses/organisation options with me.
You should respond to all reviews, especially bad reviews. Don’t let dishonest reviews get away with lies.
Tell the truth in response to bad reviews.
If the bad review is true, eat humble pie and apologise. Maybe even offer something for free. Review readers will like that.
If you’ve got photographic proof to support your review, respond by uploading it and add the photo link to your written review.
If most of your reviews are positive 5 star reviews and a few bad reviews push your average rating down to 4.5, don’t worry. The way I think is that an average review rating of 4.5 looks like a more genuine bunch of reviews than a perfect, maybe contrived bunch of reviews.
If it’s worth it, hire a professional PR company in Perth to mount a public relations campaign including handling your review marketing.
Keep in mind that while bad reviews are upsetting, as more good reviews come along, your average review score will increase and the bad review should get pushed down further out of sight.
In most cases, I don’t recommend counter-attack to bad reviews for Perth businesses. Options include:
SEO a truthful web page, in the community interest, that ranks above the reviewer’s website (if they have a site).
Write a truthful bad review about their business.
When they wave the white peace flag and take down their bad review, you can do the same.
There are 6 ways of getting on page one of Google.
Paid ads (Adwords)
Google maps under paid ads, pins of which come from your Google My Business (GMB)
Google Image Search. Good:
keyword-rich file names. Not something like IMG-12345678.jpg. Who’s the SEO boss? You or your camera?
jpg (or jpeg) for photos (photos have millions of colours). Even further optimised is .webp format
png for simple colours or transparent backgrounds
gif for animation. (See the before and after example, animated gif online ad I made on Renovation Perth.
Google Business Profile (GMB) on the RHS of Google’s SERP. (Search for your GMB profile name and suburb. If you don’t see it see my GMB help page)
It’s in this expanded GBP on the RHS of Google SERPs that people see Google reviews people gave your business and how many stars you’ve got. You can reply to reviews or report fake reviews, which usually come from competitors.
Buy trillions of dollars of shares in Alphabet the controlling company owning Google.
Getting 5-star Google reviews is good peer-to-peer marketing but also good for Google search results. Searchers filter results (SERPs search engine result pages) by stars? My wife always searches “restaurants near me” with a 5-star filter or for example “thai restaurant northbridge” with a 4-star Google search filter. It’s not only your Google review star rating average that counts but the number of reviews. I’m sure a business with 999 five stars and one 1 star is going to beat in SERPs a business with one 5 star review.
When emailing a satisfied customer for a 5 star review, the question is how can I get the best link to go straight to the Google review online form? The answer is not to send people to a Google SERP showing your GMB on the RHS (and your competitors on the LHS) but rather, to send a DIRECT link to the review form.
Either go to www.business.google.com. Alternatively, ensure you as a “user” of your Google Business Profile are logged into Chrome.
Search for your GBP name and suburb/place.
You should see something like this:
How to get/ask for a Google review.
Now you have a direct link to “ask for reviews” from happy clients to click and give your local Perth business a 5-star Google review.
You might consider putting a Google review request:
printing a QR code and posting a request in your office, waiting room, reception counter, etc. Example below:Scan QR code to review.
You can add a free QR generator as a Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store so that you can generate QR codes that link to your Google review URL or any other URL.
Good Google Review Marketing Idea Perth.
While I get lots of good Perth digital marketing reviews most of them are for my digital marketing specialty of SEO. See the many good SEO Perth reviews that real clients have kindly taken the time to write. Thank you to all my Perth digital marketing clients who have taken on my monthly SEO plans and thank you for the reviews.
Should reviews go on every web page or should reviews only go on a review page?
When you have reviews on every web page, you are abrogating editorial control to other people who usually don’t have a clue about copywriting for SEO? I reckon it’s better to have a review page which can also be a path to your site for people searching for phrases such as xyz business name reviews perth.