Good content marketing is what brings generic phrase-searched traffic to your website. Without content marketing, you will only get search traffic from people already aware of your Australian brand marketing, searching for you by name. Content marketing gives you the chance to attract search traffic from a broad range of search terms, massively increasing the number of inbound clicks to your website.

Content marketing Perth.
Content marketing Perth.

How much is content marketing in Perth?

For a start, there is a difference between content production such as copywriting, photos, videos. Then there’s the marketing of your content. The price of content marketing depends on how long your content marketing campaign in Perth runs for, the skill of your content marketer and the hours spent on content marketing. How cheap your content marketer is matters little if they can’t cost-effectively market your content and importantly to the right target market for you. My content marketing fee in Perth is $100 per hour. I specialise in SEO. That’s not just for the usual search engines but also specialist search engines such as Youtube. One of my Perth channels has had 2M views. One of the content marketing strategies I do is load my client’s videos into my Youtube playlists. If I’m made a user of their channel, I’ll SEO their videos as well as the web pages their videos are embedded on.  I also embed my clients’ videos on popular web pages. Why is the content on my web pages popular? Because I’m an SEO expert in Perth Australia.


  1. Copywriting For SEO.
    1. Hire our copywriters to produce interesting, informative, exact-match keyword-rich copy on a range of specialties or let us edit your copy for SEO.
    2. Hire our researchers to gather data and present statistical reports. Data-driven content generates nearly 300% more backlinks than content that isn’t data-driven.
  2. Hire our graphic designers to produce infographics.
  3. Photos. Our Australian content marketers are based in Perth Western Australia but we’re ready with packed camera gear to travel to your Australian location to produce interesting, quality photos. There is one thing about taking good photos.
  4. Videos for your website, social media, advertising agency, real estate agent, etc. One of our Youtube channels has had over 2 million views: For Example Perth playlist below:

Hire our videographers and drone pilots for video production.

5. Map Marketing: Get us to help you create interesting, search engine-friendly maps to help in the discovery of your location/s. Example of our yellow highlighted SERP winners.


  1. Embed on your web pages.
  2. Social media sites such as Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube, etc by Perth influencers for influencer marketing Perth wide.
  3. Bookmarking sites such as Stumbleupon, Delicious etc.
  4. Google maps. Did you know if you geotag big enough images in your Google Maps, Google photo albums, Google reviews, etc that your photos can end up on Google Maps to get thousands of views?


If you want 10 minutes of free content marketing advice in Australia, phone +0418958799 Western Australian Time 8 to 5, Monday to Friday or go to the contact content marketers link at the top of this page.


Content marketing Perth

These content marketing ideas are so big that this good, comprehensive content marketing table is best opened on a big screen.


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