The best digital marketing training in Perth’s northern suburbs is by me, Ben Grummels. I’m a former high school and TAFE teacher. Unlike some geeks, I not only know digital marketing very well but also know how to teach digital marketing, speaking in plain English.
Ben Grummels, digital marketing coach, coaching Action Coaches at the Mt Lawley Golf Club in Perth Western Australia.
Digital marketing guidance for beginner or advanced students of digital marketing is at affordable prices for lessons without lock-in enrolment contracts. 2023 digital marketing training enrolments are now open @ the following hourly price rates:
$100 per hour per student for beginner digital marketing lessons or
$270 per hour per person for advanced digital marketing training in Perth. That’s how much it costs to give away my IP, gained over decades of professional, full-time, high-level, digital marketing experience to potential digital marketers on my own turf in Perth. This level of training is suited for digital marketing juniors who work for a digital marketing agency in Perth. I trained the first digital marketing junior who worked for Perth’s largest digital marketing agency.
My digital marketing education is usually done in a one-on-one situation with 20% lesson discounts for
2 to 3 students.
The staff of Perth charities (50%, and some free as part of my CSR in Perth)
Perth not-for-profit organisations
Unemployed job seekers with a Centrelink card.
Pensioner discounts.
How long does digital marketing guidance last?
If you’re in Perth I recommend 2-hour training sessions. After your enrolment fee and contact information is collected and your first sip of tea or coffee is had I start the egg timer for an hour of powerful digital marketing schooling starting at your level of knowledge and agenda of where you want to start, Eg SEO. As an experienced teacher for many years, I know that an adult student’s attention span is 50 minutes. I push that to one hour and then have a 5-minute coffee break. Standing, and talking in the schoolyard not only gives your back and eyes a break but helps to reboot your brain to protect it from information overload. If the training break is near lunchtime, we can agree to extend it to half an hour. There’s a shopping centre with restaurants 6 minutes walk away. After the 5 or 30-minute break, we complete the second hour of digital marketing tuition.
For your privacy:
Our training privacy policy includes that your student contact information is NEVER shared with anyone and that it is stored in a secure location. It’s only needed if for example I get sick and need to contact you before lessons start.
If we’re storing training notes, resources, digital marketing exercises, etc in your cloud, eg your Google Drive then please remember to sign out before you leave my training computers.
After your digital marketing course is finished feel welcome to ask me to delete your contact information from Google’s secure cloud.
Never select professional digital marketing training on price alone but rather look at the trainer’s experience and digital marketing achievements/KPIs. For example, SEO is part of digital marketing and you found this web page. Does the trainer speak clearly?
Full-time digital marketing experience since 1999.
Content marketing (and optional content production such as computer graphics training and videography and video editing training)
Computer graphics training
Social media marketing
Video marketing. Eg how to get over 2M Youtube views and drive traffic from popular videos. Also how to display videos on your web page without slowing your page load speed down.
Big screens in front of comfortable office chairs.
Perth-raised/educated trainer who understands Perth and your Perth business marketing needs.
It’s important for marketing students in Perth to know how digital marketing instruction and practice are conducted.
Your hands-on keyboard is very much an important part of your training. In 2023 before you arrive and type in your student enrolment contact information, the keyboard and workstation area are sprayed with Glen 20 disinfectant. If you feel sick there’s no problem with postponing the digital marketing teaching session.
Digital marketing training exercises are saved to the cloud and available for your practice homework after lessons at my office. Feel welcome to sound or video record your lessons.
I speak clearly to introduce step-by-step, short-term objectives, digital marketing strategies, and methods. When you get stuck and turn for help, it’s not to embarrass you but part of the learning process.
You’re provided with digital marketing lesson help notes and links to free digital marketing resources such as monitoring and web-based marketing analysis tools.
You’ll be taught how to analyse big data. That’s big marketing data with set-up in the cloud for you to continue analysis after your big data analysis drills.
After 6 hours of tutelage, you’ll be eligible for a Digital Marketing Training short course certificate.