Growth in social media marketing websites such as FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, and bookmarking sites Stumbleupon, “del is ious” etc, tell us that social marketing strategies including Social Media Optimisation SMO, along with other web marketing strategies such as SEO are important, cost-effective marketing strategies. Social marketing connects peers and groups. Social marketing has opened an opportunity for peer-to-peer marketing. What better recommendation for brand marketing of a product or service than from a friend or colleague in ever-changing real-time. For “social MEDIA marketing” you need photos or videos. That media does not need to be of high quality if it is interesting but high-quality photos/videos usually attract more interest.
Google tracks social media. The more social media activity on your page, the better you page performs in search engine result pages (SERP)
SMM is for brand marketing rather than revenue generation. If you’re looking for faster revenue, invest in search engine optimization over social media.
If you’re a user of social media marketing and want to know more, phone our social media marketing consultants for advice on social media marketing.
Links from social media sites to your site boost your page’s performance in search engine results pages (SERP)., Delicious etc are bookmarking sites but have a social media marketing component to them.
SMM marketing includes cost-effective content marketing promotion of:
Put share or “Like” links/buttons/badges on your web pages. Once clicked, your post/photo/link shows on their social media pages. Click my social media buttons below, then log in to your social media websites like Facebook to see how this page displays on your wall.
Add social media “feeds” to your web pages.
5. How Do You Add Symbols to Social Marketing Posts?
More Social Marketing Tips
Give permissions to your various social media accounts to access each other. When you post in one of your social media accounts it shows automatically on your other social media. Alternatively, use software that can populate all your social media accounts with one post.
Join & create social media groups and business groups. Early adopters have an edge.
Send welcome messages to new members of social groups.
Link building from social your social media sites.
The cost of managing your organisation’s SMO marketing depends on how much your in-house marketing manager does and how much we do. For example, we can set up a FaceBook group or Linkedin group for you but if you let your competitors join they will post their marketing. The cost of social marketing depends on who keeps an eye on your social media account including posting, social marketing measurement and social marketing reporting. As a rule of thumb “4 Web Marketing” charge $66 per hour with a minimum of 2 hours per month for social media marketing services such as:
Social Media Reporting
If you want to know more about SEO vs SMO there are many forums with social marketing topic.
If you want “4 Web Marketing” to conduct a cheap social media marketing campaign we’ll need your media. That means the URLs of your interesting photos and or videos.
.. is $100. We’ll post once for you on:
Weekly, monthly, daily. It’s up to you.
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Upload interesting eye-catching ads, photos or videos. Make sure they are public.
Use your credit card or PayPal to open a social media marketing campaign account.
Complete this social media marketing campaign online form each time you want a social media marketing campaign marketed.
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